The First Amendment Lawyers Association
Founded in 1968, the First Amendment Lawyers Association (FALA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and promoting free speech.

Who we are
The First Amendment Lawyers Association (FALA) is a not-for-profit, nation-wide association of hundreds of attorneys devoted to the protection of Free Expression under the First Amendment, who represent businesses and individuals engaged in constitutionally protected activities. Formed in the mid-1960s, FALA’s members practice throughout the United States, Canada, and elsewhere in defense of the First Amendment and free speech and, by doing so, advocate against all forms of governmental censorship. FALA often appears amicus curiae in the Supreme Court and other appellate courts in cases in which First Amendment issues are at stake, and its members have been involved in many of the landmark cases that helped define and strengthen protections for freedom of expression.
Our members are dedicated to the defense of the First Amendment and free speech. We represent businesses and individuals engaged in constitutionally protected activities.

Board of Directors
The First Amendment Lawyers Association is governed by a board of directors, elected by the membership.
D. Gill Sperlein
Zach Greenberg
Ed Rudofsky
Barry Covert
Brad Shafer
Al Gelbard
Lou Sirkin
Paul Cambria
Andy Contiguglia
Luke Lirot
Ronnie London
Zach Youngsma
Krista Baughman
Gary Edinger
Board of Officers
Barry Covert
National Chair
D. Gill Sperlein
Zach Greenberg
Vice President
Ed Rudofsky
National Treasurer
Andy Contigula
National Secretary
Brad Shafer
Wayne Giampietro
Chair Emeriti
These members have served as president of the board of directors.
Stanley Fleishman (1920-1999)
Robert Eugene Smith
Joseph Taback
Joel Hirschhorn
John H. Weston
Arthur M. Schwartz
Richard J. Hertzberg
Elmer Gertz (1906-2000)
Paul J. Cambria, Jr.
J. Steven Beckett
Yale Freeman
Morris M. Goldings
William E. Seekford
Errol Copilevitz
Alvin Pudlin
Wayne B. Giampietro
Kenneth H. Tatarian
Jerome H. Mooney
Don E. Gasaway
Jerry B. Kraig (1937-2000)
Clyde DeWitt
Daniel A. Silver
Carl Rubin (1943-1998)
H. Louis Sirkin
Richard L. Wilson
Randall D.B. Tigue
J. Michael Murray
G. Randall Garrou
Bradley Shafer
Luke C. Lirot
Jeffrey J. Douglas
Carl Max (Toby) Janavitz (1938-2003)
Cory G. Begner
James S. Benjamin
Percy L Julian (1940-2008)
Reed Lee
Gary S. Edinger
Lawrence G. Walters
Alan I. Begner
Jennifer M. Kinsley
Steven H. Swander (1951-2012)
Daniel R. Aaronson
Robert Corn-Revere
Allan Rubin
Cary S. Wiggins
Marc J. Randazza
Andrew J. Contiguglia
Edward S. Rudofsky
Ronnie London